Conferences - Presentations
- 24 & 25 January 2020, Athens: 5th Annual Symposium of Greek Lawyers' Association e-Themis on Current Tax and Social Security Law issues.
- 15 November 2019, Athens: 1st International Tax Conference "Taxation and Businesses"
I had the honour to serve as scientific advisor for this conference and also the pleasure to preside in a panel discussing measures to combat tax avoidance in the after-BEPS era; the members of the panel, Tax Lawyers: Mr Panayiotis Pothos, Mr George Naskaris, Ms Polyxeni Passion and Mr Stathis Bakalis, presented various aspects of different tax avoidance measures, such as CFCs, mandatory reporting and the GAAR.
More information on the conference can be found at
- 8 October 2019, Athens: 6th Taxation Law Forum
You can find more information on the 6th Taxation Law Forum at
- 25 September 2019, Athens: Tax Workshop / Round-table Debate on "Tax Certainty and Tax Justice"
You can see the program of the workshop at
- 23-24 May 2019, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 4th International Conference on Taxpayer Rights
You can find the agenda and speakers of the 2019 Conference at
My presentations focuses, as always, on the Current Developments in Taxpayer Rights and you can watch the video by following this link:
At the conference the 2019 Report of the IBFD's Observatory on the Protection of Taxpayer Rights was presented by Philip Baker and Pasquale Pistone.
Videos of all the presentations of the Conference can be found
The conference is convened by National Taxpayer Advocate of the United States Internal Revenue Service; hosted by the University of Minnesota School of Law; with the Technical Assistance by International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation; and sponsored by Tax Notes and American College of Tax Counsel.
- 23 October 2018, 5th Athens Law Forum on Taxation
My presentation (in Greek) focused on the implementation of the results of the BEPS project.
You can find the program of the conference here:
More information on the conference can be found at
- 3-4 May 2018, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3rd International Conference on Taxpayer Rights
My presentations focuses on the Current Developments in Taxpayer Rights and you can watch the video by following this link:
At the conference the 2018 Report of the IBFD's Observatory on the Protection of Taxpayer Rights was presented, containing the findings of the research for the years 2015-2017.
Videos of all the presentations of the 2018 Conference can be found here:
The Governor of the Greek Tax Administration, Mr. George Pitsilis, also participated in a panel as a moderator, discussing the protection of taxpayer rights in the administrative phase.
Last but not least, Prof. Dr. Juliane Kokott, AG at CJEU, delivered a presentation on how the Court of Justice has contributed to the development of taxpayer rights protections under eU law.
The conference is convened by National Taxpayer Advocate of the United States Internal Revenue Service; hosted by International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation; and sponsored by Tax Analysts.
- 29 June 2017, Colloque de Comité de Fiscalité de CCI France Grèce, Athens
My presentation (in Greek) focused on The Need to Update the Current Network of Double Tax Treaties and, in particular, on the effect of the MLI on existing double tax treaties.
- 8 May 2017, International Conference, Dispute Resolution and Taxpayer Protection, Athens, Greece
You can see the agenda of the Conference here:
My presentation focused on the protection of taxpayers under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and you can find it (in Greek) by following this linkΠαρουσίαση-Κατερίνα%20Πέρρου.pdf
- 13-14 March, 2017, Vienna, Austria, 2nd International Conference on Taxpayer Rights
The agenda of the conference can be found here
I participated in the panel moderated by Philip Baker focusing on the protection of taxpayer rights in multi-jurisdictional disputes. You can watch the video by following this link
Videos of all the presentations of the 2017 Conference can be found here:
The conference is convened by National Taxpayer Advocate of the United States Internal Revenue Service; hosted by the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) in Vienna, Austria; and sponsored by Tax Analysts.
- 4 & 7 July 2011, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens
- 19-21 May 2011
Title of presentation:
"The accounting method is not the only acceptable method for the calculation of the profits that are attributable to a PE - Greek Supreme Administrative Court Decision No. 917/2010"
- 6-9 April 2011
Workshop 7: State Economy and State of the Economy in the Mediterranean Area: the contribution of taxation to the development of Europe - Middle East relations
directed by: Marco Greggi & Yoseph Edrey
Title of submitted paper:
"The free movement of capital and dividend flows between Greece and States in the Middle-East Region
- 28 January 2011
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London
See the program of the conference here.
Title of presentation:
"Wholly artificial arrangements + presumptions of tax avoidance"
- 10 November 2010
Organized by the Greek IFA Branch and the Athens Bar Association
Athens Bar Association Conference Room, 60 Akadimias street, Athens
Title of presentation (original in Greek):
"Judicial and Administrative Procedures for Tax Dispute Resolution".
[The presentation is based on the legislation as it stood on November 10th, 2010 and it does not take into account amendments that were adopted later by Law 3900/2010, published on 17 December 2010 (OJ of the Hellenic Government 213 A).]
16-17 September 2010
European University Institute
- 29 January 2010
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London
See the program of the conference here.
Title of presentation:
"Time limits for the repayment of direct taxes paid contrary to EU law and the impact on the Greek system”
- 12-14 November 2009
The Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna
Title of presentation (with Prof. Theodore Fortsakis):
"Greece: Commission v. Hellenic Republic (C-155/09)"
- 12-13 June 2008
"Legal Remedies in European Tax Law"
Cetara-Salerno, Italy
Title of presentation:
"Time limits, legal protection and their extension"
- 30 November - 1 December 2007
Tax audits of companies and the fiscal liability of their directors
Athens Law School
Title of presentation:
"The fiscal liability of directors - special cases" (in Greek)