Highlights and Insights on European Taxation by Kluwer
Highlights and Insights on European Taxation (H&I) contains extensive information about all recent developments in European Taxation in the area of VAT, direct taxation, customs and excise including comments by specialists from various Member States within and immediately connected to the European Union.
You can browse the contents of the journal at www.kluwer.nl/hi.
Highlights and Insights on European Taxation (H&I) contains extensive information about all recent developments in European Taxation in the area of VAT, direct taxation, customs and excise including comments by specialists from various Member States within and immediately connected to the European Union.
You can browse the contents of the journal at www.kluwer.nl/hi.
An Editorial Board of 16 expert EU tax consultants practising in the key EU jurisdictions are monitoring and analysing developments in all the important tax cases.
You can find more information on the EU Tax Cases Tracker by clicking here.
The Advanced Diploma in International Taxation is a specialist advanced qualification in international and cross border taxation and is suitable for all professionals. The ADIT Qualification provides the opportunity to prove and improve your or your team's credentials as an International Tax Professional.
For more information on how to register as an ADIT student and sit the exams you can visit the website of the Chartered Institute of Taxation at www.tax.org.uk/adit.
Institute for Tax law - Vienna University
Leading institution in International and European Tax Law. The Institute organizes a number of high level scientific conferences, seminars, lectures and other events every year on various topics of International and European tax law.
For a list of the events organized by the Institute and the books published, you can visit the website of the Institute at www2.wu-wien.ac.at/taxlaw.
The Committee on Fiscal Affairs of the OECD
The Committee sets the OECD Work programme in the tax area and provides a forum for exchanging views on tax policy and administrative issues.
Details and developments on the work of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration may be found here.
See also the Articles of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital (as they read on 22 July 2010) and the 2010 browsable Condensed Version of the OECD MTC with the Commentary.
The 2008 Condensed Version of the OECD Model Tax Convention and its Commentary is also published in Greek by NOMIKI VIVLIOTHIKI Publishers, under the scientific supervision of Zepos & Yannopoulos Law Firm.