Important Legal Notice
Thank you for visiting this site. If you like this site, feel free to drop us a line. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. For this purpose please use the contact forms provided in the other pages.
1.1. By visiting this site and using the information contained here you agree to the following terms and conditions that apply to all visitors, without any exceptions.
The opinions expressed here do not bind us in the course of delivering our professional services to our clients.
1.2. The site contains external links (see also para. 5 below). By following these external links you are bound by the specific terms and conditions that they contain.
2.1. This site does not provide or offer legal or tax or business other advice and the users/readers should not rely on it as such. All material is provided as a courtesy to users and clients for information purposes only and it is not suggested as an exhaustive statement of law or opinion on any specific legal issue. If anything in these pages inspires you to enter into a transaction or to take any other kind of action, you should always consult your legal or tax advisor and seek expert professional advice.
2.2. K. & K. Perrou Law Firm and its members and associates do not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage caused to any person that may choose to act upon any information contained in this site.
2.3. No client relationship is established between the members of K.& K. Perrou Law Firm and the visitors/users of this site.
2.4. The content is provided as is and although every care has been taken to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no responsibility whatsoever is assumed for any omissions or mistakes.
2.5. The written information contained in this site cannot be used for unlawful purposes, such as the purpose of avoiding any taxes or penalties due under any jurisdiction.
The information provided by the visitors are confidential and it will not be used for any commercial reasons. Submission of any forms however do not oblige the administrators of the site to give any answer or reply to the sender. No legal or tax or other kind of issues or information will be sent by email by email to any persons using the contact forms. If you need expert advice on an issue, please always contact a professional. If you would like to use the legal and tax services of K. & K. Perrou Law Firm, please contact us and we will happy to set an appointment.
The site contains information that is protected by intellectual property law; the owner of the rights is expressly designated in the appropriate place. When no other copyright owner is specifically mentioned, all rights belong to Katerina Perrou. Nothing contained in this site may be reproduced or used in any commercial way without the prior written permission of the owner of the copyright.
5.1. Links with other sites is provided as is and no responsibility is assumed for the content of these third sites or for any damage that may be caused by using them. The accuracy of the information provided in these third sites is not checked by us. 5.2. Links to our pages are permitted as long as they do not create any confusion to the users and the link has the form "". We reserve the right to refuse any link to any other page without giving any reason for that.
5.3. Links to services or products that are provided to the public under a fee or other payment are included here for information purposes only and they do not imply or may be construed as a suggestion or an indication to buy any product or subscribe to any service. Such references are purely personal opinions and they may change at any time, as we consider appropriate.
Greek law applies and any disputes shall be exclusively submitted to the competent Courts of Athens, Greece.
1.1. By visiting this site and using the information contained here you agree to the following terms and conditions that apply to all visitors, without any exceptions.
The opinions expressed here do not bind us in the course of delivering our professional services to our clients.
1.2. The site contains external links (see also para. 5 below). By following these external links you are bound by the specific terms and conditions that they contain.
2.1. This site does not provide or offer legal or tax or business other advice and the users/readers should not rely on it as such. All material is provided as a courtesy to users and clients for information purposes only and it is not suggested as an exhaustive statement of law or opinion on any specific legal issue. If anything in these pages inspires you to enter into a transaction or to take any other kind of action, you should always consult your legal or tax advisor and seek expert professional advice.
2.2. K. & K. Perrou Law Firm and its members and associates do not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage caused to any person that may choose to act upon any information contained in this site.
2.3. No client relationship is established between the members of K.& K. Perrou Law Firm and the visitors/users of this site.
2.4. The content is provided as is and although every care has been taken to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no responsibility whatsoever is assumed for any omissions or mistakes.
2.5. The written information contained in this site cannot be used for unlawful purposes, such as the purpose of avoiding any taxes or penalties due under any jurisdiction.
The information provided by the visitors are confidential and it will not be used for any commercial reasons. Submission of any forms however do not oblige the administrators of the site to give any answer or reply to the sender. No legal or tax or other kind of issues or information will be sent by email by email to any persons using the contact forms. If you need expert advice on an issue, please always contact a professional. If you would like to use the legal and tax services of K. & K. Perrou Law Firm, please contact us and we will happy to set an appointment.
The site contains information that is protected by intellectual property law; the owner of the rights is expressly designated in the appropriate place. When no other copyright owner is specifically mentioned, all rights belong to Katerina Perrou. Nothing contained in this site may be reproduced or used in any commercial way without the prior written permission of the owner of the copyright.
5.1. Links with other sites is provided as is and no responsibility is assumed for the content of these third sites or for any damage that may be caused by using them. The accuracy of the information provided in these third sites is not checked by us. 5.2. Links to our pages are permitted as long as they do not create any confusion to the users and the link has the form "". We reserve the right to refuse any link to any other page without giving any reason for that.
5.3. Links to services or products that are provided to the public under a fee or other payment are included here for information purposes only and they do not imply or may be construed as a suggestion or an indication to buy any product or subscribe to any service. Such references are purely personal opinions and they may change at any time, as we consider appropriate.
Greek law applies and any disputes shall be exclusively submitted to the competent Courts of Athens, Greece.